At the end of last year, the project partner, the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) carried out an online mission in Latvia when it shared its experience, developed the further project implementation plan and discussed the expected results of the project “Enhancement of sustainable land soil resource management in agriculture” (E2SOILAGRI).

After the mission, in its report on the first project implementation year, NIBIO concludes that the soil information system as such is in place in Latvia. This system is very dispersed and fragmented but at the same time it contains lots of historical data on soil in Latvia. The project E2SOILAGRI should ensure consolidation of already existing data by standardizing, systematizing and possibly restoring of the data. The project is necessary for Latvia to straighten out already existing soil data and which would be useful in the future for sustainable management of agricultural resource.

Until recently, Latvian researchers have not implemented such a comprehensive project, requiring consolidation, restoration and at the same time alignment of historical data with soil classification systems, existing globally now. In order to support the project partners, NIBIO offers training of a group of researchers in Norway, thus contributing to a successful implementation of the project.

This was the first NIBIO mission of the three planned such missions for project implementation time. The project will also be concluded with the assessment report, including recommendations for the further improvement of Latvian soil information system.

Partners of the Ministry of Agriculture in implementation of the Norway Grants Climate and Environment Program 2014 – 2021 “Climate change mitigation, adaptation to them and the environment” in the pre‑defined project “Enhancement of sustainable soil resource management in agriculture" are Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Researchthe Latvian State Forest Research Institute SILAVAthe State Plant Protection Service and University of Latvia. The project implementation will go on till January 31, 2024.

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For media contacts: 

Rūta Rudzīte

Public Relations Specialist
Ruta.Rudzite [at]